A Joycean Price Guide

The following is intended to provide some standard of comparison for the various prices and other sums of money mentioned in Joyce’s works. Where a price is not stated by Joyce, it has been supplied from the 1907 catalogue of the Army & Navy Stores (ANS). Dublin prices may have been cheaper.

In British pre-decimal currency:


1 guinea           = £1 1s

£1 (one pound)     = 20 shillings or 240 pennies

1s (one shilling)  = 12 pence (pennies)

1d (one penny)     = 2 halfpennies or 4 farthings


Coins in use were the gold sovereign (£1 or a 'quid') and half-sovereign (10s); the crown (5s); the half-crown (2s 6d); the florin (2s); the shilling or 'bob' (1s); the sixpence or 'tanner' (6d); the threepenny bit (3d); the penny (1d); halfpenny (½d), and the farthing (¼d).


The guinea no longer existed as a coin, but was still used as a pricing unit in upmarket shops, in reckoning professional fees, and in prizes for horse races.


Specifically Irish terms are 'bar' (shilling), 'wing' (penny) and 'make' (halfpenny).


eight plums

five Woodbine cigarettes

two apples

two Banbury cakes

two herrings

one pint of porter

donation to a onelegged sailor

Freeman’s Journal


secondhand French primer


plate of peas


pint of milk

pint of beer

admission to waxworks (children 1d)

shave for Simon Dedalus

secondhand books (four for 6d)

notepaper and two envelopes

tip to a bothered waiter

cigar at Barney Kiernan’s

cup of coffee at the cabmen’s shelter

bun at the cabmen’s shelter

to operate the pianola at Bella Cohen’s 


pork kidney from Dlugacz

tip to porter at Newhaven

raffle ticket for a turkey

sheep’s trotter

one pound of Herzog’s sugar

admission to Nelson Pillar


cake of lemon soap

Dante’s methylated spirits  (1 pint?)

pig’s trotter

square of soda bread

admission to circus (child)


('fippence') the leg of the duck


lunch at Rowe’s

tanner lunch (mutton, carrots &  turnips, Alsop) 

night at Mrs Maloney’s doss-house

game of billiards at Adelphi Hotel 

given to organ-grinder to go away 

value of a yearling sheep


('Tanner and a Make') among HCE’s nicknames


lunch at Davy Byrne’s


one pound of Lipton’s fairy cakes 


lunch at the Burton

value of a yearling goat


fine for scribicide (or £4)


two pounds of cherry cakes


Bridie Kelly’s charges (plus luckpenny) 

admission to Araby Bazaar

bottle of jalap

night at the Brazen Head

a dozen workingstacks

admission to museomound: 'Welsh and the Paddy Patkinses

   (others free)   

('ardree’s shilling') paid to army recruits   

('a scrab') admission to Feenichts Playhouse 

('a saxum shillum') tip to sexton  

1s 1d

Tricoloured boater

1s 2d

pound tin of Epps’ cocoa (also in 4 & 8 ox packets)  


1s 4d

brawn, quantity unspecified

1s 6d

bath and gratification

1s 9d

twelve rolls of Dockrell’s wallpaper   

dinner at the Ormond Hotel (best value in Dub)

1s 11d

box of Iron Jelloids (also at 2s 8d) 


Stephen’s debt to Fred Ryan

reward for rescuing Reuben J. Dodd Jr

repairing broken statuette

tip to Meath Street prostitute

ticket to Eire Abu Society concert   

one pound of Anne Lynch’s tea

secondhand astronomy book

('two bar') admission to boxing match (soldiers 1s)   

2s 1d

Seven fingers of shopsoiled ribbon at Clery’s sale

('two bar and a wing') round of drinks at Burke’s 

2s 2d

box of Widow Welch’s pills

2s 4d

slice of plumcake

2s 6d

Bank Holiday return rail fare Dublin-Mullingar

one dozen oysters

postal order for Martha Clifford

Terry’s bet on Zinfandel

Love Songs of Connacht

Demidoff’s jewel

2s 7d

one yard of black satin for blouse (or 2s 9d)  

2s 9d

Molly’s lotion

tam o’shanter, knitted


Hynes’s debt to Bloom

a sandwichman’s daily wage

pair grey flannelette bloomers (astonishing bargain)  

one pound of Herzog’s tea

the Morkans’ tea (one pound?)

one pint of pulexes

priest’s fee for saying a mass

3s 6d

boy’s man-o’war cap

3s 9d

Marge’s 'ethel' dress (reduced)

4s 7d

Loan offered by HCE to his assailant

4s 10d

bottle of Allan’s Anti-Fat

4s 11d

one pair of green knickers


cost per head of proposed picnic

ticket for preserved seat at concert  

price realised at auction by pair of curtains   

Bloom’s donation to Dignam fund

5s 6d

return rail fare Dublin-Mullingar


secondhand melodeon at Marks

raised by Farrington’s watch at pawnshop   


Eveline’s weekly wage as shop assistant   

Molly’s win at Leopardstown races   

weekly rent of Denis Breen’s father’s house   

7s 6d


7s 9d

sailor suit, age 3-4

8s 6d

Dressing jacket (or 18s 6d)

Harris tweed cap


Stephen’s debt to Cousins

Bloom’s annual payment to cemetery gardener

a short time at Bella Cohen’s brothel   

raised by Temple’s watch at pawnshop   

Stephen’s pocket money for first term at school

Bags Comisky’s fine for drunk and disorderly

twelve rolls embossed wallpaper

10s 6d

Stephen’s debt to Bob Reynolds

Kernan’s secondhand coat

brass fender from Hampton Leedom’s

10s 11d

Annie Chandler’s blouse (expensive)


One pair of trousers from Kino’s

weekly board at the Rum and Puncheon   

11s 6d

kidfitting corset

12s 6d

Milly’s weekly wage as photographer’s assistant 


weekly board at Mrs Mooney’s

Gabriel’s weekly fee for book  reviews (paltry)

Sandow-Whiteley’s pulley exerciser (athlete’s model £1)


Ormond barmaids’ weekly wage

19s 11d

Josie Breen’s hat


fraudulent price of passage to Canada 

Menton’s contribution to Dignam fund  

£1 1s 

Stephen’s debt to McCann and to Russell

Dr Collins’s fee for consultation

one ton of best Abram coal

£1 5s 6d

Geraghty’s debt to Herzog

£1 6s 6d

one pair of shepherd’s plaid trousers

£1 7s

Price of 'springers' sold by Joe Cuffe

£1 7s 6d

Bloom’s commission from Freeman’s Journal

£1 10s 9d



dummy piano, 2 octaves (£2 10s 3 octaves)

£2 2s

Shem’s dress suit (brandnew)

£3 3s

Stephen’s debt to Koehler

£3 12s

Stephen’s monthly salary as teacher

£3 13s 6d

Philip Beaufoy’s fee for story

suggested price of corpse in Bloom’s fantasy


(‘six marks’) fine for scribicide (or 9d)


prize in Answers competition

Bloom’s proposed State gift to newborn child

£5 5s

Rumbold’s fee for execution


Mary Driscoll’s annual salary as housemaid

£6 6s

Fieldglasses with Goerz lenses

£8 8s

Kathleen Kearney’s promised fee as accompanist


Stephen’s debt to Mulligan

£10 10s

Stephen’s debt to Curran


annual rent for Sandycove Martello Tower

£18 14s 6d

Bloom’s bank balance at end of 1903


mantle in Barnardo’s


valuation of 80 Eccles Street


Stephen’s school prize


valuation of Bloom’s ideal home


Glynn’s annual salary as organist

Prize purse in Keogh/Bennett boxing match

£68 5s

lute from Arnold Dolmetsch


Boylan’s win on Keogh/Bennett boxing match


Bloom’s proposed annual income for all


damages for shock


value of Bloom’s Canadian stock


value of Ascot Gold Cup


price of Bloom’s ideal home


Money prize added to Ascot Gold Cup


Ben Dollard’s business losses

damages sought by Denis Breen for postcard


Supposed government prize for squaring the circle

U 6.294

SH 137

U 8.69

U 8.74-5

U 16.273-4

D: Counterparts

U 18.346

U 17.1439

U 10.116-17, U 17.1461, W 80.34

U 10.863

D: Two Gallants

U 1.442

U 1.724, U 5.308

U 17.579-80

U 10.699

U 10.837

U 10.306, U 17.466

U 11.1003

U 12.682

U 16.1700

U 16.1700

U 15.4016

U 4.180, U 17.1458

U 3.195

U 5.546

U 17.1471

U 12.39-40

U 7.942-3

U 5.511

U 18.6-7 (ANS: 8½d a quart)

U 17.1470

U 17.1473

SH 243 

FW 142.1-2

U 8.367-8

U 8.926-7

U 16.167

SH 207

D: Eveline 

FW 69.17-18

FW 71.28

U 8.776, 17.1764

U 18.1554-5

U 8.368-9

FW 69.18-19

FW 14.22

U 18.1155

U 14.1065-6

D: Araby

U 1.156 (ANS)

U 16.168-70

FW 6.1

FW 8.5-6


FW 49.4

FW 219.3-4

FW 281.L17-21

FW 54.31-2

U 17.356-7 (ANS)

U 7.939

U 17.1460

U 8.171, 15.914-5

U 11.1002

U 13.84 (ANS)

U 2.256, 9.1084

U 6.286-7

U 18.1016

U 13.871

D: A Mother 

U 17.308 (1s 11d: FW 325.4-5)

U 10.526

U 10.1136

U 13.160-1

U 14.1502-3

U 13.85-6 (ANS)

D: Clay

U 4.452-3

U 18.63

U 11.867

U 12.1224

U 9.93-95 (English Cat. Books)

FW 329.29

U 11.111

U 5.507

U 4.399 (ANS)

U 7.119, 8.1057

U 8.128-9

U 13.1235-6

U 12.38

D: The Dead

FW 438.22

FW 465.24, 520.12-16

U 13.14-15 (ANS)

FW 166.6-8

FW 83.1-2

U 18.455-6 (ANS)

U 13.725-6

U 18.946

U 18.1289

U 10.648

U 10.974-6, 11.805, 17.1462

U 16.509

U 11.1263-4

D: Counterparts

D: Eveline 

U 15.546

U 12.1069

U 17.1828

U 13.14 (ANS, cheapest style)

U 18.1497

U 17.1582

U 2.257

U 6.934

U 15.1985-6, 15.3453

SH 223

P 5

U 16.209-10

U 17.1535

U 2.258

U 10.744

U 15.3188-91

D: A Little Cloud

U 8.90-2, 17.586

FW 70.1-2

U 18.448

U 4.425

D: A Boarding House

D: The Dead

U 17.1817

U 11.1076-7

U 15.550-1

U 12.1088

U 6.569

U 2.25, 2.257

U 18.1109

U 17.128-9

U 12.41

FW 396.17-18

U 6.392-3

U 17.1459

FW 396.18

U 11.842-3 (ANS)

FW 182.25-6

U 2.258

U 2.222, 16.177

U 4.505

U 6.773-5

FW 14.22

U 11.1024

U 8.383-4

U 12.428-9

U 15.868

U 8.554

D: A Mother

U 2.255

U 2.256

U 17.1862-3

U 17.1862-3

P 103

U 4.236

P 102

U 17.1501

U 5.396-7

U 10.1134-5, 12.960-1

U 16.1766

U 12.942

U 16.1133-5

U 15.647

U 17.1864-5

U 16.1277

U 17.1661

U 16.1277

U 11.1014

U 8.262-3, 12.261

U 15.2401, 17.1696-7

 John Smurthwaite

See also Sam Slote's article on Stephen's liquidity

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