Joyce's Paris library
We are fortunate in having a record of the texts Joyce kept in his library while he was in Trieste, and we are equally fortunate in possessing a comparable listing relating to his library in Paris, published by Thomas E. Connolly ("The Personal Library of James Joyce: a Descriptive Bibliography", in The University of Buffalo Studies (Vol. 22, No. 1, April, 1955 - Monographs in English: No. 6). The titles below are those texts from Joyce's Paris library which were published before the publication of the first book edition of Ulysses and might therefore be of particular interest to scholars of Ulysses and the earlier works. Books published later, or presented later to Joyce (according to the evidence of inscriptions) are not included.
The links provided are wherever possible to the identical edition or printing owned by Joyce. In other cases, the links are to editions as close to these as possible. It has not been possible to provide links for every text.
John Simpson
Aesop's Fables, transl. V. S. Vernon Jones (London: William Heinemann, 1919) [Link to 1916 printing of Heinemann edition first published in 1912.]
[Andersen, Hans Christian] Une mère: conte de Hans Christian Andersen en vingt-deux langues, ed. P. E. Hansen (S. Petersbourg: S. M. Nicolaieff, 1894)
Austen, Jane, Sense and Sensibility (London: T. Nelson and Sons, n.d.) [Link to undated Nelson ed. c1908.]
Bartlett, John, Familiar Quotations: A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1903)
Beerbohm, Max, Herbert Beerbohm Tree: Some Memories of Him and of His Art (London: Hutchinson & Co., n.d. [1920])
Bell, David Charles and Bell, Alexander Melville, Bell's Standard Elocutionist (London: Hodder and Stoughton, Limited, n.d. [note to new ed. dated 1892]) [Link to 1889 Hodder and Stoughton ed.]
Beverland, Adrian, The Law Concerning Draped Virginity: An Academical Study, Translated for the First Time and Philological and Other Explanatory Notes, transl. Frances D. Byrne (Paris: Charles Carrington, 1905) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Blast, No. 2 (July, 1915)
The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Church of England (Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press, n.d.)
Boscowitz, Arnold, Les Fléaux (Paris: Librarie Ducrocq, n.d.)
Bourgault-Ducoudray, L. A. (ed.), Trente mélodies populaires de Grèce et d'Orient (Paris: Henry Lemoine et Cie, n.d.) [Link to Hathi Trust 1897 ed., accessible from the US.]
Buck, Mitchell S., Ephemera: Greek Prose Poems (Philadelphia: Nicholas L. Brown, 1916)
Burton, Richard F. (transl.), The book of the thousand nights and a night: with introduction, explanatory notes on the manners and customs of Moslem men and a terminal essay upon the history of the Nights [etc.] (Burton Club, for private subscription only) [Link to numerous volumes; for others see Hathi Trust page, with some volumes only accessible from the US]
Butler, Samuel, The Authoress of the Odyssey (London: A. C. Field, n.d. [Preface dated 1897])
Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson, The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, n.d. [Preface dated 1898]) [Link to London (1898) ed. published by T. Fisher Unwin]
Colum, Padraic, The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1918)
Il Convegno, vol. 1, No. 3 (April, 1920) and No. 5 (June, 1920)
Cropper, Rev. James, A Short Historical Sketch of S. Andrew's Parish Church, Penrith (Penrith: H. L. Sweeten, n.d. (?1905))
Curzon, Henri de, Meyerbeer (Paris: Librairie Renouard, n.d. [?1910])
D'Aguen, Laas, Dictionnaire Français-Grec moderne (Paris: Maison-neuve Frères et Ch. Leclerc, 1886) [Link to 1859 Maison-neuve ed.]
d'Albe, Edmund E. Fournier, An English-Irish Dictionary and Phrase Book with Synonyms, Idioms, and the Genders and Declensions of Nouns (Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son, Ltd., n.d. [?1900]) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
D'Annunzio, Gabriele, Notturno (Milano: Presso I. Fratelli Treves, 1921)
D. Aurelii Augustini Hippon Episcopi Libri XIII Confessionum (Lugduni: Apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1675) [Link to 1691 Lugduni ed., apud Jacobum Faeton]
de Bremont, Anna, Comtesse, Oscar Wilde and His Mother (London: Everett & Co., Ltd., 1911)
De Quincey, Thomas, Confessions of an English opium-eater: Murder considered as one of the fine arts, The English mail-coach, & a selection from Suspira de Profundis (London: Cassell and Company Ltd., 1908) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Desroix, Jacques, La Gynécocratie ou la Domination de la Femme [...] précéde d'une étude sur la masochisme dans l'histoire et les traditions par Laurent Tailhade (Paris: Charles Carrington, 1902)
The Dial (vol. 65, No. 773; 19 September, 1918: see pp. 201-3)
Doughty, Charles, Adam Cast Forth (London: Duckworth & Co., 1908)
[Dowson, Ernest], The Poems of Ernest Dowson (London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1915) [Link to 1917 John Lane ed.]
Edwards, H. Sunderland, Gioachino Rossini 1792-1868 and His Successors (London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd., n.d.)
The Egoist (vol. 5, No. 2; February, 1918)
Elson, Arthur, Modern Composers of Europe (Boston: L. C. Page & Company, 1905)
English as She Is Spoke: Or a Jest in Sober Earnest (London: Field & Tuer, n.d.) [Link to 1884 New York Putnam ed.]
ffrench, Rev. Canon J. F. M., Prehistoric Faith and Worship: Glimpses of Ancient Irish Life (London: David Nutt, 1912)
Fitzgerald, Edward, Euphranor and Other Miscellanies (London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1905)
Fitzgerald, Edward, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (London: George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd., n.d.) [Link to Harrap 1909 ed. via Hathi Trust, accessible only in the US]
Gibbon, Edward, The Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire (London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1919) [Link to 1914 Dent printing]
Gide, André, La Symphonie Pastorale (Paris: Editions de la Nouvelle Revue Française, 1919) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Giraudoux, Jean, Elpénor (Paris: Emile-Paul Frères, 1919) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
[Goldsmith, Oliver], The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith (London: Henry Frowde, 1911)
Goujon, Henri, L'Expression du Rythme mental dans la mélodie et dans la parole (Paris: Henry Paulin et Cie., 1907)
Graduale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae de Tempore et de Sanctiis SS. D. N. Pii X. Pontificis Maximi Jussu Restitutum et Editum Cui Addita Sunt Festa Novissima ad Exemplar Editionis Typicae (Romae: Typis Societatis S. Joannis Evang., 1908) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Grose, Captain Francis, A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (London: S. Hooper, 1785)
Hamsun, Knut, Ved rigets port (København: P. G. Philipsens Forlag, 1895)
[Hopewell, Frank], The Oddity: A Poem of Near 250 Lines in One Continued Rhyme Being a Letter from a Sailor to his Sweet Heart (Dublin: James Carson, 1741)
Hughes, Herbert, Irish Country Songs: Versions Collected Chiefly from Singers in West Kerry (London: Boosey & Co., Limited, n.d.) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Ibsen, Henrik, Bygmester Solness (København: Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, 1892)
Ibsen, Henrik, John Gabriel Borkman (København: Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, 1896)
Ibsen, Henrik, Lille Eyolf (København: Gyldendalske Boghandels Forlag, 1894)
Joyce, P. W., An Illustrated History of Ireland (Dublin: The Educational Co. of Ireland, 1921) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Joyce, P. W., The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places (Dublin: The Educational Co. of Ireland, Ltd., 1920. Vol. III)
Kardec, Allan, La genèse les miracles et les prédictions selon le spiritisme (Paris: Librairie des Sciences Psychologiques, 1883)
Karr, Alphonse, Voyage autour de mon jardin (Paris: Ancienne Maison Michel Lévy Frères, 1892) [Link to 1876 Lévy ed.]
[Keats, John], The Poetical Works of John Keats with a Memoir by the Right Hon. Lord Houghton (London: Edward Moxon and Co., 1866)
Lamy, Thomas Josephus, Commentarium in librum geneseos (Mechliniae: H. Dessain, II, 1884) [Link to 1884 two vols in one ed.]
The Legacy of Greece, ed. R. W. Livingstone (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1921)
Lewis, Wyndham, The Caliph's Design: Architects! Where is Your Vortex? (London: Egoist Ltd., 1919) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Le livre des prières publiques, de l'administration des sacrements, et des autres rites et cérémonies de l'église, selon l'usage de l'église d'Angleterre (London: La Société pour la Propagation des Connaissances Chrétiennes, 1839)
The Little Review (numerous issues from March 1918 until 1925-5)
Maitland, Margaret, Life and Legends of St. Martin of Tours (316-397) (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1908)
Manuale ordinandorum opusculum non ordinandis solum, sed et ordinatis praesertim sacerdotibus, utilissimum (Paris: R. Roger et F. Chernoviz, 1910) [Link to 1868 ed., published in Paris by A. Jouby et Roger]
Marcaggi, P. (ed.), Petite anthologie de la poésie italienne (Paris: Librairie A. Hatier, n.d.)
Matharan, M.-M., Casus de matrimonio fere quingenti quibus applicat et per quos explicat sua asserta moralia circa eamdem materiam (Parissis: Victor Retaux et Filius, 1893)
Mercator, Gerard, Royaume d'Irelande (1631)
Milton, John, Comus (Cambridge: University Press, 1912)
Moore, George, Vain Fortune (London: Walter Scott, Ltd., 1895)
Moore's Irish Melodies with the Celebrated and Unsurpassed Symphonies and Accompaniments of Sir John Stevenson and Sir Henry Bishop with a Biography of Thomas Moore and an Essay on the Music of Ireland (London: Ward, Lock. Bowen & Co., n.d.) [Link to London Printing and Publishing Company Limited undated ed. with identical title]
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1913)
Obras del mistico doctor San Juan de la Cruz (Toledo: Libería y encuadernación de viuda é hijos de J. Peláez, 3 vols., 1912-14) [Link to Hathi Trust ed., accessible from the US; click here for open access to vols. 1 and 2 (1912)]
O'Kelly, Seumas, The Weaver's Grave (Dublin: The Talbot Press, Ltd., n.d.) [Link to 1919 Talbot Press ed. with The Golden Barque]
Pearse, Mrs. Godfrey and Hird, Frank, The Romance of a Great Singer: a Memoir of Mario (London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1910)
"Mario was said to be the picture of Our Saviour" (U 7.55-6): see sketch of Mario in the memoir by his daughter Mrs Godfrey Pearse
Petrucci, Raphaël, Les peintres chinois (Paris: Librairie Renouard, n.d.]
Plutarch's Morals: Theosophical Essays, transl. by C. W. King (London: George Bell and Sons, 1882) [Link to 1889 Bell ed. at Hathi Trust, accessible from the US]
[Rabelais, François] The Works of Rabelais, transl. with illustrations by Gustave Doré (Nottingham: Printed for Private Circulation, n.d.)
Ritual for Gudstjenesten I, Saint-Jean, ([publisher unknown,] n.d.)
Rodker, John, Hymns (London: Ovid Press, 1920) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Sarratt, Lieutenant, Life of Buonaparte, in Which the Atrocious Deeds, Which He Has Perpetrated, in order to Attain His Elevated Station, Are Faithfully Recorded [etc.] (London: Tegg and Castleman, n.d. [1803])
Scott, Sir Walter, The Bride of Lammermoor (London: T. Nelson & Sons Ltd., n.d.)
Shaw, George Bernard, How He Lied to Her Husband: The Admirable Bashville (London: Constable and Company, Ltd., 1914) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US; see here for unrestricted access to 1910 Constable ed. of the first text and here for a 1913 New York ed. of the second]
Sommer, E., Lexique Grec-Français à l'usage des classes élémentaires (Paris: Librairie Hachette, n.d.) [Link to 1862 Hachette ed.]
Souvenir of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Opening of the Gaiety Theatre 27th November, 1871 with Michael Gunn's Compts. 27th Novr. 1896 (Dublin: Dollard Printing House, 1896)
[Sterne, Laurence], Sermons by the Late Rev. Mr. Sterne (London: Printed for W. Strahan; T. Cadell, and T. Beckett and Co., Vols. V, VI & VII, 1769) [See also links at the separate volume numbers]
Suarès, André, Poète tragique (Paris: Emile-Paul Frères, 1921) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Tolstoy, Leo, Essays and Letters, transl. by Aylmer Maude (London: Henry Frowde, 1904) [Link to Frowde ed., 1911 impression]
Tucker, Benj. R., Instead of a Book by a Man Too Busy to Write One, a Fragmentary Exposition of Philosophical Anarchism Culled from the Writings of Benj. R. Tucker (New York: Benj. R. Tucker, 1897)
Undset, Sigrid, Vaaren (Kristiana: Forlagt Av H. Aschehoug & Co., 1921) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US]
Vanderpyl, Fritz R., Mon chant de guerre (Paris: A la Belle Edition, 1917)
Verdi, Guiseppe, Il Trovatore (Paris: Benoit, n.d.) [Link to undated Benoit publication]
Verrimst, V.-F., Rondes et chansons populaires illustrées avec musique et accompagnement (Paris: A. Lahure, n.d.) [Link to 1886 Paris ed. published by Th. de Lamotte Saint-Martin]
Weekley, Ernest, The Romance of Names (London: John Murray, 1917) [Link to earlier printing of 2nd ed. (Murray 1914)]
Witt, Professor C., Myths of Hellas: or Greek Tales (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1883) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US; for unrestricted access to 1891 text see here.]
[Yeats, W. B.], The Poetical Works of William B. Yeats in Two Volumes, Volume II Dramatic Poems (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1919) [Link to 1917 printing]
Yeats, W. B., The Wild Swans at Coole (London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1919) [Link to London edition of 1919 Macmillan text]