Trieste B
Joyce's Trieste library: authors and works indexed under the letter B
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Bacon, Francis, The wisdom of the ancients and The New Atlantis (London: Cassell, 1886) [Link to 1900 ed., but only snippet view outside US.]
Bakunin, Michael, God and the State (London: Freedom Press, 1910)
Balfour, Andrew, By Stroke of Sword (Leipzig: Heinemann and Balestier, 1898) [Link to 1897 New York ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Béatrix (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to Paris: Souverain ed., 1840.]
Balzac, Honoré de, The Country Doctor, trans. Ellen Marriage (London: Macmillan, 1896) [Link to 1895 New York ed. of Marriage’s translation.]
Balzac, Honoré de, L'Enfant maudit (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to 1892 Calmann-Lévy ed., Michel Lévy.]
Balzac, Honoré de, La Femme de trente ans (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to Paris: Michel Lévy 1868 ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Histoire des treize (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to 1892 Calmann-Lévy ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Louis Lambert (Paris: Flammarion, n.d.) [Link to 1858 Paris Libraire Nouvelle ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to 1891 Calmann-Lévy ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Les Paysans (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to 1876 Calmann-Lévy ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Petites miseres de la vie conjugale (t.p. missing) [Link to Calmann-Lévy 1892 ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Physiologie du mariage (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to Calmann-Lévy 1894 ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, La Recherche de l'absolu (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to Michel Lévy 1874 ed.] [1884 Calmann-Lévy ed. only in US through Hathi Trust.]
Balzac, Honoré de, Les Rivalités: La Vieille fille and Le Cabinet des antiques (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to Calmann-Lévy 1892 ed.]
Balzac, Honoré de, A Woman of Thirty, trans. Ellen Marriage (London, 1910) [Link to London 1897 ed. of Marriage’s trans.]
Bandello, Matteo, Le Novelle, ed. Gioachino Brognoligo, vol. 1, 2, 3, 4 (5) (Bari: Gius. Laterza, 1910-11) [All vols viewable in the US from Hathi Trust; vols 4 and 5 Link from]
Barnett, Annie, and Dale, Lucy, An Anthology of English Prose (1332 to 1740) (London: Longmans Green, 1912)
Barrie, J. M., Peter Pan (London: Hodder and Stoughton, n.d.) [Link to Peter Pan and Wendy: Hodder and Stoughton, n.d.]
Barrie, J. M., The Twelve Pound Look [Link to 1921 Hodder edition; ed. 1 = 1914.]
Barry, William, The Papacy and Modern Times (London: Williams and Norgate, n.d.) [Link to Williams and Norgate ed. 1, 1911.]
Bartholomew, J. G., A Literary and Historical Atlas of Europe (London: Dent, and New York: Dutton, Everyman, 1915)
Bassalik-de Vries, J. C. E., William Blake in His Relation to Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Basel: Brin, 1911)
Bazin, René, The Nun (New York: Eveleigh Nash, 1908) [Link to 1908 New York (Scribner’s) ed.]
Beaumont, Francis, and Fletcher, John, The Works, vol. I, including The Maid's Tragedy, Philaster, A King and No King, The Scornful Lady, The Custom of the Country, ed. Arnold Glover (Cambridge University Press, 1905)
Bédier, Joseph, Le Roman de Tristan et Iseut (Paris: Edition d'Art, H. Piazza, n.d.)
Bédier, Joseph, The Romance of Tristram and Iseult, trans. Florence Simmonds (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1910)
Beethoven, Ludwig van, Fidelio (score) (Leipzig: Universal Bibliothek, n.d.) [Link to C. F. Peters: Leipzig score.]
Beethoven, Ludwig van, Symphonien Nr. 1-3 (scores) (Leipzig, n.d., but probably about 1 January 1917)
Beethoven, Ludwig van, Symphonien Nr. 7-9 (scores) (Leipzig, n.d., but probably about 15 January 1918) [Accessible online only through Hathi Trust in US.]
Belvederian, The (Belvedere College, Dublin), I, no. 1 (Summer 1906)
Benco, Silvio, La Fiamma fredda (Milan, 1904)
Berard, Victor, Les Phéniciens et l’Odyssée, 2 vols. (vol. 2) (Paris, 1902-3)
Bergson, Henri, L’Evolution créatrice (Paris: Félix Alcan, 1914) [Link to 1908 Alcan edition.]
Bergson, Henri, The Meaning of the War: Life and Matter in Conflict (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1915). [Link to pdf of this edition.]
Berlitz, I. (otherwise unidentified)
Besant, Annie, Une Introduction à la Théosophie (Paris: Publications Théosophiques, 1907)
Besant, Annie, The Path of Discipleship (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1904) [Link to 1910 TPS ed.]
Bible (King James version) (London, 1825)
Biblia Sacra (Vulgate), ed. Valentinus Loch, 2 vols. [1902] [Accessible only in US.]
Björnson, Björnstjerne, The Fisher Lass (London: Heinemann, 1908)
Blake, William, Poems of, ed. W. B. Yeats (London: Routledge, Muses' Library [June 1905])
Blake, William, The Poems, with prefatory note by Joseph Skipsey (London: Walter Scott, n.d.)
Blake, William, The Poetical Works of, ed. William Michael Rossetti (London: George Bell, 1911) [Link to 1914 printing.]
Bleibtreu, Carl, Das Byron-Geheimnis (Munich and Leipzig: Georg Müller, 1912)
Bodkin, Richard, Logic for All (Dublin: Browne and Nolan, 1910)
Boehme, Jacob, The Signature of All Things (London: Dent, Everyman, (1912])
Boileau, Nicolas, Le Lutrin (Paris: Henri Gautier, n.d.) (Bibliothèque Populaire Nouvelle, no. 361)
Boine, Giovanni, II Peccato [n.d.]
Bonn, M. J., Irland und die Irische Frage (Munich und Leipzig: Verlag Duncker und Humblot, 1918)
Bormann, Edwin, Francis Bacon's Cryptic Rhymes (London: Siegle, Hill, 1906)
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, Sermons Choisis (Paris: Librairie Firmin Dodot Frères, 1860) [Link to 1851 Dodot ed.]
Bourget, Paul, Sensations d’Italie (Paris: Alphonse Lemmere, 1891)
Boyle, John F., The Irish Rebellion of 1916 (London: Constable, 1916)
Boyle, William, The Building Fund (Dublin: M.H. Gill, 1916) [Link to 1906 Dublin Maunsell ed.]
Boyle, William, Family Failing (Dublin: M. H. Gill, 1912) [Accessible through Hathi Trust, only in US.]
Boyle, William, The Mineral Workers (Dublin: M. H. Gill, 1916) [Accessible through Hathi Trust, only in US.]
Bracciforte, Ferdinando, Chiave dei temi sceneggiati [Link to an apparent version of this text, 1889.]
Bracciforte, Ferdinando, Grammatica della lingua inglese
Brachet, Auguste, The Public School Elementary French Grammar (2 parts) adapted by P. H. E. Brette and Gustave Masson, revised by K. Janau (London and Paris: Hachette, 1891) [Link to an 1878 Brette/Masson ed.]
Brandes, George, William Shakespeare, A Critical Study (London: Heinemann, 1911) [Link to 1905 Heinemann ed.]
Brillat-Savarin, Physiologie du goût ou Méditations de gastronomie transcendante (Paris: Garnier Frères, n.d.)
Britisches gegen Deutsches Imperium (Anon.), with a Foreword by Roger Casement (Berlin: Verlag Gebrüder Paetel, 1915) [pdf.]
British Theatre comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas and Farces (Leipzig: Frederick Fleischer, 1828)
Brontë, Charlotte, Jane Eyre (London: Faudel, Phillips, n.d.) [Publisher: R. E. King.]
Browning, Robert, Selections from the Poetical Works (London: Smith, Elder, 1891) [Link to 1890 Smith, Elder ed.]
Bruno, Giordano, Degli Eroicifurori, 2 vols. (Milan: Sonzogno, 1906) [Link to one-volume 1864 Milan text, ed. Daelli]
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, The Last Days of Pompeii (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1879)
Bunyan, John, Pilgrim's Progress (London: Religious Tract Society, n.d.) [Link to 1904 Religious Tract Society ed.]
Burke, Thomas, Limehouse Nights (London: Grant Richards, 1917) [Link to 1917 New York McBride ed.]
Burnet, John, Aristotle on Education (Cambridge University Press, 1903)
Burns, Robert, The Poetical Works (Oxford University Press, World's Classics, 1919) [Link to 1908 Oxford Complete edition.]
Burns, Robert, The Poetical Works of (Halifax: Milner and Sowerby, 1855) [Link to 1852 Milner and Sowerby ed.]
Burton, Richard, The Anatomy of Melancholy (London: B. Blake, 1836) [Link to 1838 Blake ed.]
Busoni, Ferruccio, Entwurf einer neuen Ästhetik der Tonkunst (Leipzig: InseI-Verlag, 1916)
Butler, O'Brien, Seven Original Irish Melodies (Belfast: Pigott, 1903)
Butler, Samuel, The Authoress of the Odyssey (London: A. C. Fifield, [1897])
Butler, Samuel, Erewhon (London: A. G. Fifield, 1917) [Link to 1920 Fifield ed.]
Butler, Samuel, The Humour of Homer (London: A. C. Fifield, 1913)
Butler, Samuel, Shakespeare's Sonnets (London: A. C. Fifield, [1899])
Butler, Samuel, The Way of all Flesh (London: A.C. Fifield, 1911) [Link to 1908 Fifield ed.]
Byron, Lord, Poems (London, Routledge, n.d.) [Link to Routledge 1866 ed.]
Byron, May, A Day with Richard Wagner (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1911) [Link to Hodder New York ed.]
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