Trieste V

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Joyce's Trieste library: authors and works indexed under the letter V

Valera, Juan, Don Braulio, trans. Clara Bell (New York: Appleton, 1892).

Verlaine, Paul, Les Poètes maudits (Paris, 1900) [Link to 1888 Vanier ed. (Vanier also published an edition in 1900).]

Virgil, Eneide, trans. into Italian Alfredo Bar[t]oli (Milan: Signorelli, n.d.) Books I, II, III, IV in separate volumes

Virgil, Le Georgiche, interlinear translation into Italian (Milan, etc.: Albrighi, Segati, 1915)

Virgil, Opera, ed. E. Benoist and M. Duvau (Paris: Hachette, 1915) [Link to 1912 Hachette printing.]

Voltaire, History of Charles XII, trans. Winifred Todhunter (London: Dent, n.d.) [Link to 1912 Dent (Todhunter) printing.]

Voltaire, Œuvres choisies [poems] (Avignon: A. Giroud, 1761)

Voss, Paul, Georges Bizet (Leipzig: Universal Bibliothek, n.d.)

Voss, Paul, Vincenzo Bellini (Leipzig: Universal Bibliothek, n.d.)

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