Trieste P

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Joyce's Trieste library: authors and works indexed under the letter P

Pagat, Henri, Discours de M. le Sénateur Triple-Alceste: sur la nécessité de régénérer le marriage, qui est l'institution fondamentale de la Société, par l'enseignement officiel de la volupté que le mari doit à la femme et qu'il ignore si souvent l’art de lui procurer (Paris: H. Daragon, 1913)

Palazzeschi, Aldo, Il Codice di Perelà [Link to Firenze 1920 ed.]

Palmer, G. Molyneux, 'O It Was Out by Donnycarny' (manuscript score)

Paolieri, Ferdinando, Novelle Selvagge (Milan: Fratelli Treves, 1918)

Parnell, Charles Stewart, Words of the Dead Chief, compiled by Jennie Wyse-Power (Dublin: Sealy, Bryers and Walker, 1892) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible on in the US.]

Pater, Walter, Marius the Epicurean, vol. I (London: Macmillan, 1911)

Pater, Walter, The Renaissance (London: Macmillan, 1912) [Link to 1913 Macmillan printing.]

Paul, Herbert Woodfield, The Life of William Ewart Gladstone (London: Thomas Nelson, n.d.)

Peacock, W., ed., English Prose from Mandeville to Ruskin (Oxford University Press, World's Classics, 1912) [Link to 1903 World’s Classics Grant Richards selection.]

Pemberton, Max, The Sea Wolves (London: Cassell, 1894) [Link to 1906 Cassell printing.]

Perceval, le Gallois, The High History of the Holy Graal, trans. Sebastian Evans (London: Dent, and New York: Dutton) [Link to 1903 Dent printing.]

Phillips-Wolley, Clive, Songs of an English Esau (London: Smith. Elder, 1902)

Phillpotts, Eden, The Mother (London: Duckworth, 1913) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible online only in the US.]

Pierre de Provence et la Belle Maquelonne, ed. Adolphe Biedermann (Paris: Halle, 1913) [Link to 1913 Paris Champion ed.; accessible online only in the US.]

Pisacane, Carlo, Saggi sulla rivoluzione (Milan: Sonzogno, n.d.) [Link to late (1956) Turin ed.]

Plato, Five Dialogues bearing on poetic inspiration [Ion, Symposium, Meno, Phaedo, Phaedrus] (London: Dent, Everyman, 1913) [Link to Dent ed., 1920 printing.]

Plato, and Xenophon, Socratic Discourses (London: Dent, Everyman, 1913)

Plutarch, Lives of Alcibiades and Coriolanus, Aristides and Cato the Censor (London: Cassell, 1886)

Plutarch, Morals: Theosophical Essays, trans. C. W. King (London: George Bell, 1882) [Link to Bell 1889 ed.; accessible online through Hathi Trust, only in the US.]

Pocket Missal, The, ed. Father Aloysius (Dublin: M. H. Gill, n.d.)

Poe, Edgar Allan, Tales, ed. John H. Ingram (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1884) [Link to 1884 London (Ingram) ed.]

Poggio, Facezie (Lanciano: Carabba Editore, n.d.) [Link to Rome 1884 ed.]

Pollock, John, The Popish Plot (London: Duckworth, 1903)

Polti, Georges, Les Trente-six situations dramatiques (Paris: Mercure de France, 1912)

Porter, J. L., The Giant Cities of Bashan (London: Thomas Nelson, 1865)

Pound, Ezra, Lustra [Link to London (Elkin Mathews) 1916 ed.]

Pound, Ezra, Personae and Exultations (London: Elkin Mathews, 1913) [Links to the individual Mathews volumes 1909.]

Pound, Ezra, Ripostes (London: Elkin Mathews, 1915) [Link to Mathews 1913 ed. with Canzoni and to 1912 Stephen Swift ed.]

Pound, Ezra, Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti (London: Stephen Swift, 1912)

Pound, Ezra, and Fenollosa, Ernest, 'Noh' or Accomplishment (New York: Knopf, 1917)

Praga, Marco, Alleluja (Milan: Baldini, 1904) [Link to Milan: Zorini 1894 ed.]

Praga, Marco, La Biondina [Link to Milan: Treves 1927 ed. , accessible online only in the US.]

Praga, Marco, L'Erede (Milan: Baldini, 1906 and 1914). Two copies. [Link to Milan: Treves 1929 ed. , accessible online only in the US.]

Praga, Marco, L'Innamorata (Milan: Baldini, 1906) [Link to Hathi Trust Milan: Treves 1922 printing, accessible online only in the US.]

Praga, Marco, La Moglie ideale [Link to Milan: Treves 1920 ed.]

Praga, Marco, La Porta chiusa, L'Erede (Milan: Fratelli Treves, 1914) [Link to 1920 Treves printing.]

Praga, Marco, Storie di palcoscenico (Milan: Baldini, 1905) [Link to Milan: Galli 1895 ed.]

Praga, Marco, Le Vergini (Milan: Baldini, 1906) [Link to Milan: Zorini 1896 ed.]

Proudhon, P. J., Qu'est-ce que la propriété (Paris: A. Lacroix, 1873) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible only in the US.]

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