Trieste T

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Joyce's Trieste library: authors and works indexed under the letter T

Tabernacle and the Church, The, catechetically explained (London, 1859)

Tacitus, La Germania, trans. into Italian Emilio Amadeo (Milan: Signorelli, n.d.)

Tennyson, Alfred, Enoch Arden, etc. (London: Edward Moxon, 1864)

Tennyson, Alfred, The Poetical Works (Boston: James R. Osgood, 1872)

Tennyson, Alfred, Selections, ed. with notes by F. J. Rowe and W. T. Webb (London: Macmillan, 1889) [Link to 1890 Macmillan printing.]

Thackeray, William Makepeace, The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. (London: Thomas Nelson, n.d.)

Thackeray, William Makepeace, Vanity Fair (London: Thomas Nelson, 1890) [Link to 1906 Nelson ed.]

Thomas, Edward, Richard Jefferies, His Life and Work (London: Hutchinson, [1909])

Thurston, E. Temple, The Realist (London: Sisley's, 1906; John Lane, 1914)

Tinayre, Marcelle, The House of Sin, trans. A. Smyth (London: Maclaren, 1903) [Link to 1905 Maclaren printing.]

Tolstoy, Leo, Anna Karenina [Link to 1919 Philadelphia (Jacobs) Constance Garnett translation.]

Tolstoy, Leo, Essays and Letters, trans. Aylmer Maude (London, etc.: Henry Frowde, Oxford U. P. 1904) [Link to Frowde OUP 1911 printing.]

Tolstoy, Leo, The Fruits of Enlightenment, trans. E. J. Dillon, with Introduction by Arthur Wing Pinero (London: Heinemann, 1891) [Link to Hathi Trust 1891 Heinemann text; accessible online only in the US.]

Tolstoy, Leo, Pensieri di saggi per ogni giorno (1908)

Tolstoy, Leo, La Potenza delle tenebre (Naples: Salvatore Romano, 1905)

Tolstoy, Leo, Resurrection, trans. Louise Maude (London: Constable, n.d. but Preface dated 1910) [Link to Maude translation, New York Crowell ed., preface dated 1900.]

Tolstoy, Leo, Der Roman der Ehe [Link through Hathi Trust to [1890] Berlin ed.; accessible online only in the US.]

Tolstoy, Leo, Saggi: Agli Uomini politici, La Guerra Russo-Giapponese, trans. into Italian Maria Salvi (Milan: Sonzogno, 1911)

Tolstoy, Leo, La Sonata a Kreutzer (no publisher, n.d.)

Tolstoy, Leo, Usseri: Un Incontro al Caucaso (Milan: Sonzogno, 1902)

Treble, H. A., compiler, English Prose (Oxford University Press, World's Classics, 1917) [Link to 1921 Oxford ed.]

Trench, Richard Chenevix, Proverbs and Their Lessons (London: Macmillan, 1869) [Link through Hathi Trust to 1879 Macmillan ed.; accessible online only in the US.]

Tschudi, Clara, Ludwig the Second, trans. E. H. Hearn (London: Swan Sonnenschein, 1908)

Tucker, Benjamin, R., Instead of a Book (New York: Benjamin R. Tucker, 1897)

Turgenev, Ivan, Works in 11 volumes (London: Heinemann, 1910-13):

Turgenev, Ivan, The Diary of a Superfluous Man, etc. (1913) [Link to 1906 Heinemann (Garnett) translation.]

Turgenev, Ivan, Dream Tales and Prose Poems, trans. C. Garnett (1913) [Link to 1906 Heinemann (Garnett) translation.]

Turgenev, Ivan, Fathers and Children (1913) [Link to 1906 Heinemann (Garnett) translation.]

Turgenev, Ivan, The Jew, etc. (1913) [Link to 1906 Heinemann (Garnett) translation.]

Turgenev, Ivan, A Lear of the Steppes, etc. (1912) [Link to 1898 Heinemann (New York) (Garnett) translation.]

Turgenev, Ivan, On the Eve (1911) [Link to 1920 New York/Macmillan, London/Heinemann (Garnett) translation.]

Turgenev, Ivan, Smoke (1910) [Link to 1906 New York/Macmillan, London/Heinemann (Garnett) translation.]

Turgenev, Ivan, A Sportsman's Sketches, 2 vols. (1913) [Link to 1895 New York Macmillan (Garnett) translation; vol. 2.]

Turgenev, Ivan, Virgin Soil, 2 vols. (1913) [Link to 1906 New York/Macmillan, London/Heinemann (Garnett) translation; vol. 2.]

Twain, Mark, The New Pilgrim's Progress (London: John Camden Hotten, n.d.)

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