Trieste L

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Joyce's Trieste library: authors and works indexed under the letter L

Landor, Walter Savage, Imaginary Conversations (London, etc.: Walter Scott, n.d. [1895?]) [Link to Scott n.d. ed. [?1886].]

Langbridge, Frederick, Ballads and Legends (London: Routledge, 1903)

Latini, Brunetto, Il Libro delle bestie

Law, Ernest, Shakespeare as a Groom of the Chamber (London: George Bell, 1910)

Lawrence, D. H., The Rainbow [Link to New York ?1915 ed.]

Lebensbilder unserer Klassiker mit Porträts (Berlin, Leipzig: Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong, n.d.)

Lecky, W. E. H., History of European Morals [Link to 1917 2-vol New York ed.; vol. 2.]

Lee, Sidney, Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century (London: Thomas Nelson, n.d., Preface dated 1907) [Link to Nelson ed., n.d. and preface dated 1904.]

Legh, Thomas, A Narrative of a Journey in Egypt and the Country Beyond the Cataracts (London: John Murray, 1816)

Leo XIII, Le Poesie Latine, ed. Gioachimo Pecci (Milan: Sonzogno, n.d) [This ed. accessible online on in the US.]

Leopardi, Giacomo, Poesie (Milan: Sonzogno, 1910) [Link to 1880 Sonzogno ed.]

Lermontov, Mikhail Yurevitch, A Hero of Our Time (London: Ward and Downey, 1886)

Le Sage, Alain René, Gil Blas, 4 vols., trans. Tobias Smollett (London, 1812) [This ed. accessible online on in the US.]

Lessing, G. E., The Laocoon and Other Prose Writings, trans. W. B. Rönnfeldt (London: Walter Scott, n.d.) [Link to part-searchable ed. on Google Books.]

Levertin, Oscar, Epistolario d'Enrico Ibsen, trans. into Italian B. Carlson and B. Perotti (Locarno: Librairie Internationale, n.d.)

Levides, Pericles, La Civilisation dans les hopitaux, Les vrais crimes (no publisher, place or date)

Lewis, Wyndham, Tarr (London: Egoist Press, 1918) [Link to Hathi Trust text, accessible only in US.]

Leyland, Francis A., The Brontë Family, 2 vols. (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1886) [Linked to Hathi Trust (accessible online only in US) for vol 1; vol. 2 generally accessible.]

Lie, Jonas, Niobe, trans. H. L. Braekstad (London: Heinemann, 1897)

Lie, Jonas, Østenfor sol (Copenhagen, 1905) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible online only in US.]

Lingard, John, History of England, abridged, with a continuation by James Burke (Dublin: James Duffy, n.d.) [Link to 1855 Baltimore ed. with Burke’s continuation.]

Literary Year Book, The, ed. Basil Stewart (London: Routledge, 1910) [Link to n.d. ed., but app 1910.]

Locke, William J., The Beloved Vagabond (London: John Lane, 1914) [Link in 1915 London (Lane) ed. through Hathi Trust (accessible online only in US); 1906 New York (Lane) ed. here with unrestricted access.]

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Hyperion: A Romance (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1882) [Link to 1886 Houghton Mifflin ed.]

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, Outre-Mer, A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1883) [Link to Houghton Mifflin 1894 ed.]

Lothar, Rudolph, Das Wiener Burgtheater (Berlin and Leipzig: Schuster and Loeffler, n.d. but c. 1904)

Loti, Pierre, The Marriage of Loti, trans. G. F. Monkshood (London: Siegle, Hill, 1908)

Loti, Pierre, Pêcheur d'Islande (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, n.d.) [Link to Calmann-Lévy 1900 ed.]

Lover, Samuel, ed., Poems of Ireland (London: Ward, Lock and Bowden, n.d.)

Lucian, I Dialoghi degli iddii, dei morti, ed altre opere ('Il Pescatore', 'L’Icaro menippo', 'Dialoghi delle cortigiane', 'Dell'Elettro e dei cigni', 'La Tragopodagra') (Milan: Sonzogno, n.d.)

Ludovici, Anthony M., A Defence of Aristocracy (London: Constable, 1915) [Link to 1915 Boston ed.]

Lustful Acts [or, Nights of Love] [?c1905, a translation of La Comtesse de Lesbos.]

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