Trieste G

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Joyce's Trieste library: authors and works indexed under the letter G

Galopin, Augustin, Le Parfum de la femme et le sens olfactif dans l'amor (Paris: E. Dentu, 1889) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US.]

Galsworthy, John, Justice and Other Plays (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1912) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible from the US.]

Garnier, P., Onanisme seul et à deux sous toutes ses formes et leurs conséquences (Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, n.d.)

Gaskell, Mrs., Ruth (London: Chapman and Hall, 1867) [Link to 1855 Chapman ed.]

Gaultier, Bon [pseudonym of Sir Theodore Martin], The Book of Ballads (Edinburgh and London: Blackwood, 1874) [Link to 1864 Blackwood ed.]

Gide, André, L'Immoraliste (Paris: Mercure de France, 1914) [Link to 1930 Mercure ed.]

Gilbert, W. S., Original Plays (London: Chatto and Windus, 1911) [Link to Chatto 1895 ed.]

Gissing, George, The Crown of Life (London: Methuen, 1899)

Gissing, George, Demos (London: Smith, Elder, 1886) [vols 2, 3]

Glebe, The, I, no. 5 (February 1914), Des Imagistes issue

Gluck, C. W., Orpheus and Eurydice (Leipzig: Universal Bibliothek, n.d.) [Link to (different) Leipzig ed.]

Glyn, Elinor, Visits of Elizabeth (London: Duckworth, 1900) [Link to Duckworth 1901 ed.]

Godwin, William, Caleb Williams (London: Routledge, 1903) [Link to US Harper ed. 1870.]

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Novels and Tales (Elective Affinities, The Sorrows of Werther, Certain Emigrants, The Good Women, and A Tale), trans. J. A. Froude and R. D. Boylan (London: George Bell, 1911) [Link to 1890 Bell ed.]

Gogol, Nicolai, Taras Bulba, trans. into Italian anonymously (Milan: Editrice Lombarda, 1877)

Goldoni, Carlo, La Donna sola (Rome: Edoardo Perino, 1893)

Goldsmith, Oliver, The Select Works of (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1842)

Goldsmith, Oliver, The Vicar of Wakefield (Letters, II. 99) [Link to Longmans’ 1896 ed.]

Goldsmith, Oliver, The Works (London: John Dicks, n.d.)

Golther, Wolfgang, Richard Wagner as Poet, trans. Jessie Haynes (London: Heinemann, 1905) [Link to 1907 New York ed. (Haynes transl.)]

Gorky, Maxim, L'Albergo dei poveri, trans. into Italian E. W. Foulques (Naples, 1905)

Gorky, Maxim, Il Burlone, L'Angoscia, trans. into Italian E. W. Foulques (Naples: Salvatore Romano, 1906)

Gorky, Maxim, I Fasti della rivoluzione russa (Naples, n.d.)

Gorky, Maxim, Le Passeggiate del diavolo, trans. into Italian E. W. Foulques (Naples, 1907)

Graves, Arnold, Clytaemnestra: a Tragedy (London: Longmans,1903) (Critical Writings, pp. 126-7)

Greene, E. A., Saints and Their Symbols (London: Whittaker, 1913) [Link to 1909 Whittaker ed.]

Gregg, J. A. F., ed., The Wisdom of Solomon (part of the Cambridge Bible) (Cambridge University Press, 1909)

Gregory, Augusta, Lady, The Kiltartan Wonder Book (Dublin: Maunsel, [1910]) [Link to 1911 Maunsel version.]

Gregory, Augusta, Lady, Poets and Dreamers (Dublin: Hodges Figgis, 1903)

Gregory, Augusta, Lady, Spreading the News, The Rising of the Moon; Douglas Hyde and Lady Gregory, The Poor-House (Dublin: Maunsel, 1907) [Link to 1906 Maunsel ed.]

Gregory, Augusta, Lady, The White Cockade (Dublin: Maunsel, 1905)

Griffith, Arthur, The Finance of the Home Rule Bill (Dublin: National Council, 1912)

Griffith, Arthur, The Home Rule Examined (Dublin: National Council, 1912)

Guide to Troubadours [unidentified edition]

[Guillermet, Fanny], Autour de la Grève générale (Neuchâtel: Attinger Frères, Nov. 1918)

[Guillermet, Fanny], Et Nous? (Neuchâtel: Attinger Fréres, Feb. 1919)

[Guillermet, Fanny], Le Frein (Neuchâtel: Attinger Fréres, Dec. 1918)

Gwynn, Stephen, To-day and To-morrow in Ireland (Dublin: Hodges Figgis, 1903)

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