Trieste M

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Joyce's Trieste library: authors and works indexed under the letter M

Mabinogion, The, trans. Charlotte Guest (London: Dent, Everyman, 1913) [Link to 1906 Dent ed.]

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Critical and Historical Essays (London: Longmans Green, 1874) [Link to 3-vol 1853 Longmans Green ed.; vol. 2, 3.]

Machiavelli, Niccolò, Mandragola (Rome: Oreste Garroni, 1910) [Linked to 1896 Italian Lipsia ed.]

Mackenzie, Compton, The Passionate Elopement (London: Martin Secker, 1911) [Link to 1911 Daily Express edition.]

Macnamara, Brinsley, The Valley of the Squinting Windows (Dublin: Maunsel, 1918) [Link to 1919 New York ed.]

Macquoid, Thomas Robert, Pictures and Legends from Normandy and Brittany. Possibly Through Brittany (London, 1877) and Through Normandy (London, 1874)

Maeterlinck, Maurice, Alladine and Palomides, Interior, The Death of Tintagiles, authorized translation (London, 1899)

Maeterlinck, Maurice, Mary Magdalene, trans. A. B. de Mattos (London: Methuen, 1912)

Maeterlinck, Maurice, Pelleas and Melisanda, The Sightless, trans. Laurence Alma Tadema (London, [1895])

Magrini, Gustavo, Manuale di musica (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1916)

Maher, Michael, Psychology (Manuals of Catholic Philosophy) (New York: Benziger Brothers, n.d.) [Link to Longmans 1895 Manuals ed.]

Maistre, Joseph de, Œuvres: Voyage autour de ma chambre etc. (Paris: Flammarion, n.d.) [Link to Flammarion 1919 ed.]

Mangan, James Clarence, Essays in Prose and Verse, ed. C. P. Meehan (Dublin: James Duffy, 1884)

Mangnall, Richmal, Historical and Miscellaneous Questions for the Use of Young People (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1829) [Link to Longmans 1859 ed.]

Mann, Heinrich, Die Armen (Leipzig: Kurt Wolff, 1917) [Link to Hathi Trust version, accessible online only in the US.]

Manzoni, Alessandro, Liriche e tragedie, ed. Luigi Russo (Florence: Sansoni, n.d.) [Link to 1945 printing of Russo’s ed., through Hathi trust, accessible online only in the US.]

Marinetti, F. T., et al., Enquête Internationale sur le vers libre et Manifeste du Futurisme (Milan: Editions de 'Poesie', 1909)

Martyn, Edward, The Heather Field (London: Duckworth, 1917) [Link to 1899 Duckworth ed.]

McCarthy, Michael J. F., The Irish Revolution (title page missing [Edinburgh and London: Blackwood, 1912]) [Link to Hathi Trust ed., accessible online only in the US.]

Mclntyre, J. Lewis, Giordano Bruno (London: Macmillan, 1903)

Mason, A. E. W., The Courtship of Morrice Buckler (London: Macmillan, 1896)

Mason, A. E. W., Miranda of the Balcony (London: Macmillan, 1899)

Mason, A. E. W., The Philanderers (London: Macmillan, 1899) [Link to Project Gutenberg 1897 ed.]

Massinger, Philip, [Works], ed. Arthur Symons (London: Vizetelly, 1889) [2 vols: vol 2.]

Maupassant, Guy de, Boule de suif, etc. (Paris: Librairie Paul Ollendorff, 1907) [Link to 1906 Ollendorff printing.]

Maupassant, Guy de, Histoire d'une fille de ferme (Paris: Flammarion, n.d.)

Maupassant, Guy de, The Odd Number [13 Tales], trans. Jonathan Sturges, introduction by Henry James (New York: Harper, 1889)

Melani, Lettera Italiana (2 vols.)

Mercredy, Map of Ireland

Mérimée, Prosper, Abbé Aubain [Link to Calmann-Lévy 1883 edition including this text.]

Mérimée, Prosper, Carmen [Link to the same text as for previous entry.]

Merlin, The Book of Charms and Ceremonies Whereby All May Have the Opportunity of Obtaining Any Object They Desire (London: W. Foulsham, 1910)

Meyerbeer, Giacomo, Der Prophet (Leipzig: Universal Bibliothek, n.d.) [Link to Leipzig Breitkopf and Härtel ed., n.d.]

Meyrink, Gustav, Das grüne Gesicht (Leipzig: Kurt Wolff, 1917)

Michaelis, Karin, The Dangerous Age, with Introduction by Marcel Prevost (London: John Lane, 1912) [Link to John Lane 1911 ed.]

Mill, John Stuart, On Liberty, with Introduction by W. L. Courtney (London: Walter Scott, n.d.)

Milton, John, Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity, L’Allegro, II Penseroso and Lycidas, ed. A. W. Verity (Cambridge University Press, 1911) [Link to 1891 Verity ed.]

Milton, John, The Poetical Works (London and Edinburgh: Gall and Englas, n.d.)

Minor Elizabethan Drama, The, vol. II: Pre-Shakespearian Comedies (London: Dent, Everyman, 1913)

Mirabeau, Comte de, The Curtain Drawn Up

Mirbeau, Octave, Sébastien Roch (1890) [Link to 1906 Paris Charpentier.]

Molière, Théâtre Complet, 2 vols., ed. Theodore Comte (Paris: Bib. Larousse, n.d) [Link to multi-vol Larousse(Comte) ed., through Hathi Trust (accessible online only in the US).]

Molinari, Luigi, Il Tramonto del diritto penale (Milan, 1909) [Link to 1904 Marmirolo ed.]

Moore, George, Celibates: Three Short Stories (London, 1895)

Moore, George, Evelyn Innes (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1898)

Moore, George, Hail and Farewell: Ave, Salve, Vale (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1912, 1912, 1914) [Link to Heinemann 1911, 1912, 1914.]

Moore, George, The Lake (London: Heinemann, 1905)

Moore, George, Lewis Seymour and Some Women (Paris: Louis Conard, 1917) [Link to 1917 Heinemann ed.]

Moore, George, Memoirs of my Dead Life (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1906) [Link to 1906 Heinemann ed.]

Moore, George, Muslin (London: Heinemann, 1915)

Moore, George, Sister Teresa (London: T. Fisher Unwin, n.d.) [Link to Fisher Unwin 1901 ed.]

Moore, George, Spring Days (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1912) [Link to New York ed., n.d.]

Moore, George, The Untilled Field (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1903) [Link to 1903 Fisher Unwin ed.]

Moore, George, Vain Fortune, new edition (London: Walter Scott, 1895)

Moore, George Foot, The Literature of the Old Testament (London: Williams and Norgate, Home University Library, n.d.).

Moore, Thomas, Poetical Works (London: Routledge, n.d.)

Moorhouse, E. Hallam, The Story of Lady Hamilton (London and Edinburgh: T. N. Foulis, 1911) [Link to Foulis 1912 ed., accessible online through Hathi Trust only in the US.]

Moran, D. P., Tom O'Kelly. The Philosophy of Irish Ireland (Dublin: Cahill, James Duffy, 1905)

Morris, R., Specimens of Early English (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1867)

Morrison, Arthur, Tales of Mean Streets (London: Methuen, 1894)

Mozart, W. A., Die Entführung aus dem Serail (score) (Leipzig: Universal Bibliothek, n.d.) [Link to Leipzig Peters ed.]

Murison, A. F., ed., Selections from the Best English Authors (Edinburgh: Chambers, 1907).

Murphy, N. J., The Prophecies of St. Malachy Concerning the Successors of St. Peter to the General Judgment, and the Destiny of Ireland (no place, publisher, or date)

Murray, Gilbert, Euripides and His Age (London: Williams and Norgate, Home University Library, n.d.)

Murray, T. C., Maurice Harte (Dublin: Maunsel, 1912)

Musset, Alfred de, La Confession d'un enfant du siècle (Paris: Bibliothèque Larousse, n.d.)

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